CEO Today - Global Awards 2024

CEO Today Global Awards 2024 - 63 - - UNITED KINGDOM - What about the environmental impact of your business? We’re fortunate that we don’t sell a physical product, so we naturally have less waste. We’ve always tried to source materials locally and work with landlords who prioritize sustainability. We haven’t fully developed our ESG strategy yet, but we naturally tick a lot of the boxes. For example, in our Stratford location, everything from fit-out materials to heating and cooling systems is designed for sustainability. What does an average day look like for you? I start my day with my family and then head to the office or go on-site visits. My role now involves legal, finance, and property matters. I try to balance work with family time, spending weekends with my wife and son and enjoying the outdoors. I work from home a bit to avoid traffic and then spend the early part of the week in the office and the rest on-site or in meetings. What’s the medium to long-term plan for the business? We’re planning a transaction next. We’ve proven our concept with a few sites and are now focusing on operational excellence. We’re considering an IPO or private equity, depending on market conditions. We have plans for further expansion in the UK and internationally, including the US. We’re also looking to grow our franchise model, with partners in Saudi Arabia and Mexico already in place.

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