Planning for a Better Environment

Planning for a Better Environment

Planning for a Better Environment

Envaserv Research Consult

Planning for a Better Environment

In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Emmanuel Lampty, the President and CEO of Envaserv Research Consult, to delve into the leadership philosophy that has shaped the trajectory of this dynamic environmental research and consultancy firm. Emmanuel reveals how his people-centered approach, emphasizing the nurturing of youthful potential and creating a teaching-learning environment, has been pivotal in driving Envaserv's growth and success. He elaborates on the initial vision behind founding Envaserv - to establish a one-stop shop offering comprehensive environmental services, and how this vision has evolved to overcome various challenges, including resource constraints and the necessity of developing a highly skilled workforce. Emmanuel, as the founder and CEO of Envaserv Research Consult, can you share your leadership philosophy and how it has guided the company's growth and direction? Leadership transcends giving operational directives, but the ability to articulate the overall organizational vision for staff embracement and then the mobilization of requisite skillsets and toolsets for the realization of the corporate vision/mission. My leadership style is in sync with this format, and it is essentially people-centered. Unearthing youthful potentials and capacitating the same to give off their best in accomplishing/executing tasks beyond expectations is an inherent leadership trait I adore very much. My view is that the staff is the greatest corporate resource/asset, and thus tact is required in selecting those talents before equipping them with the relevant skillset and toolsets, and creating the congenial environment for them to unleash their potentials.
Healthy staff and an excellent working environment translate into overall corporate health, which has been the cynosure of my leadership philosophy in ensuring growth. Furthermore, blending average to highly skilled staff to create a teaching-learning environment has been part of my style to ensure growth.
Lastly, we ensure regular organizational innovations, which create conditions for the constant search for novel ideas and approaches, and these keep us buoyant/afloat in the industry. What was the vision behind founding Envaserv Research Consult, and how has that vision evolved over time under your leadership? The primary vision was to provide one stop-shop entity providing all-encompassing and cutting-edge environmental and laboratory testing services for clients that needed such tailored environmental services. The nascent vision became stronger during those periods we had to wait for days to rent a piece of environmental equipment for field data gathering/collection because they were in high rental demand. These, coupled with clients' frustrations in finding an entity that provides streams of ESG services, presented us with a virgin and golden opportunity to establish a firm to provide top-notch environmental services within reach and to relieve clients of their incessant frustrations. Over the course of time, the vision has materialized steadily, and the company is now located on a satisfactory trajectory, though a far cry from our desired apogee. The positive strong signals assure us that with enhanced commitment, tailored strategies, and innovations, Envaserv shall reach the expected crescendo. It needs stressing that it was tough at the onset, and strategic corporate direction was hazy but with continued improvement in overall quality standards, operational enhancements and strategic management, the company has been able to develop fair antidote and resilience to VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainties, Complexities and Ambiguities) situations in corporate business. Could you discuss some of the most significant challenges you've faced while leading Envaserv, and how you overcame them? What achievements are you most proud of? The challenges faced were numerous. However, the one that stood out was the drive of an ambitious entrepreneur without the needed resources to realize the dream. It's now some sort of a cliche for any entrepreneur to bemoan funds as a hindrance to executing one's vision, although it is a reality. Even though I knew from the onset the challenges associated with inadequate funds, I was more driven passionately by the imaginary inkling of an established world-class firm called Envaserv Research Consult providing suits of bespoke ESG services across industries. The pre-occupation of this dream was positively strong and propelled me on than the issue of funds to crystallize the dream. The other daunting challenge that confronted us at the time was getting the right staff (human resource) with the requisite/adequate skillset, and capacity to outperform beyond clients' scope and satisfaction. This was an issue since we needed to ensure quality and excellent client services. We overcame this through employing talents with the right working attitudes and trainability. With time, the nascent staff imbibed the established corporate culture of professionalism, high ethical standards, quality, and prompt service delivery, and were proficient/adept in handling tasks with minimum or no expert supervision. This in-house strategy did not only ensure surmounting the staff technical deficit/deficiencies but promoted parallel staff growth with the company enabling the easy alignment of corporate's ethical and performance standards. The initial technical staff became nurturing pioneers and trained others that joined later. The strategy essentially ensured the alignment of skills and compartmentalization of services with the requisite manpower, which necessitated our provision of multidisciplinary services. Another challenge was getting the needed accreditation and certification for customer's trust in our services and products, and to ensure we compete competently in the industry was a herculean task. We overcame this with the can-do spirit. In fact, the company largely outperformed in tasks/assignments deemed unconventional/first-time due to the professional commitment of the enthusiastic staff and the zeal to exceed client/customer satisfaction beyond expectation. Given your extensive experience, how do you see the industry trends evolving in the fields of environmental research and consultancy, and how is Envaserv adapting to these changes? The prospects in the field of environmental research and consultancy are brighter considering the global trends and will become more diverse, which will call for multiplicity of skillsets to accomplish tasks that will meet customer/client satisfaction. In human's quest to harness natural resources for socio-economic development, intended to enhance the quality of life, natural capital are often over-exploited leading to myriad of environmental challenges and deterioration, which is counterproductive to the very telos of harnessing such resources. These happenings have put the global environment on an alert and have consequently led to increased regulatory measures intended to arrest natural resource deterioration. Sustainability is now an integral maze of corporate fabric and has enhanced commitments towards environmental stewardship.
Environmental challenges and the urgent need for sustainability have further increased the mandate of Statutory Agencies and Regulators to ensure strict compliance.
It thus stands to reason to predict that with such trends in the industry, requirements for environmental research and consultancy will be on the ascendency but will also require complex and integrated tools and enhanced skillset to stay afloat in the market/industry. The company, aware of these industry trends, is putting strategic measures in place including personnel and infrastructure to stand up to the predicted trends. The need to diversify with other service portfolios such as material testing in the construction industry notably road construction, and others in the agriculture industry are part of the strategic diversification focus for Envaserv Research Consult. Sustainability is a crucial aspect of environmental research, and your tagline is 'Business and Nature, Our Care!'. How does Envaserv integrate sustainable practices into its operations and client solutions? Could you talk more about your Waste to Energy project? Absolutely, sustainability is an integral component of corporate mindset and operational activities primarily aimed at safeguarding society and the environment for posterity. The sustainability concept is far-famed, with efforts being made and on circular economy, green economy, corporate targets on carbon footprints, all gearing towards good environmental stewardship. A critical component of sustainability is ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) requirement, and in recent times, most investors direct investment into entities with high ratings for ESG compelling forward-looking corporate organizations to embrace ESG and hence Sustainability in every facet of their operations, and same in Envaserv Research Consult.
Our tagline “Business and Nature, Our Care” gives incredible credence to what we stand for as a company. The connotation is simple: we care for our clients' businesses and at the same, we care for nature (environment). This has been the foundation philosophy upon which the company revolves.
Likewise in the provision of ESG services, we care for the client's business to grow without compromising on nature (environment). Following from this tagline, our operational philosophy has been to first understand our clients' requirement/needs, scope the requirements and propose the best sustainable solutions that improve our client's business with full regards to nature conservation. The waste-to-energy project was a strategic development proposal I contributed in its entirety to the Ga Central Municipal Assembly, as one of my visions when I took the reigns as the Municipal Chief Executive at the time. The primary focus of the project was to harness the municipal waste from households to generate electricity for domestic consumption whilst at the same time providing employment for the energetic and exuberant youth of the community. The by-product of the process based upon the proposed technology will ensure the ash is engineered to produce ceramic tiles for sale, whereas at the same time CO2 and other obnoxious gases would be sequestered, thus improving atmospheric air quality. It was also intended to harness the water from the municipal waste for treatment for the production of bottled drinking water. The structural and operational arrangements of the project were intended to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 13, and then government's policy of One-District One-Factory concept. However, the project could not see the light of the day due to a new government policy at the time albeit the project is still on the front burner should new investors develop interest and want to partner. How does Envaserv foster innovation in its research and consultancy services? Can you give an example of a groundbreaking project or initiative the company has undertaken? Envaserv may not be able to withstand the competition in the industry without innovation. The rapid improvement in industry requirements and the associated technological complexity all ensure we must be in keeping with the trends, and we can survive these only with tailored innovation. The major focal areas of our innovation are acquisition of personnel skillsets, technological procedures, and equipment for quality services. Of the many success stories, we at Envaserv take delight in our ISO/IEC 17025:2015 accreditation acquired within the shortest timeframe on our first attempt. When the company took the decision to acquire the quality and competence certification, it had little knowledge of the detailed procedures and requirements but had rudimentary preparation for ISO/IEC 17025:2005. The company made an instant decision to go in for the new ISO/IEC 17025:2015 accreditation since companies would have three years to transition from the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to ISO/IEC 17025:2015. Teamwork was at peak of display, and the company was able to meet all the requirements for the ISO/IEC 17025:2015 within just a week. We view the feat a major milestone against the backdrop of absolutely no experience and on first attempt. Furthermore, the company flawlessly executed a high-profile offshore marine benthic investigation in the deep sea ecosystem for an oil and gas company within time and budget to the admiration of not only the client but all the regulatory agencies. This feat ensured the company was invited as a resource to develop standard protocols for marine ecosystem environmental surveys and research. We take good delight in these achievements. Can you shed light on the company culture at Envaserv and your approach to team building and employee development? Corporate culture is essential if the vision and strategic plans are to be achieved. Envaserv's corporate performance culture is centered on professionalism, high ethical standard, prompt service delivery and quality services. These principles are the foundation on which the company's operational activities revolve. They are integrated in every facet of our operations, and effortlessly have become part of staff culture. The can-do spirit and no scope is beyond our capabilities put the staff on the edge to be abreast with industry technological progress/trends, as well as in-house innovations.
Envaserv builds its teams based on our service portfolios, capacity requirements and amenability of individual to relevant in-house and other training regimes. Staff training is a requirement for building solid and competent teams, which is a priority focus aside being a requirement for regulatory compliance.
How does Envaserv build and maintain strong relationships with its clients? What do you believe sets your approach apart in client engagements? One of the areas that ensured our rapid growth is our associations and interactions with our numerous clients. In fact, each client is treated specially as family. All our clients can get in touch with us at any time of the day, and in some cases for expert advice pro bono. We carry to the letter our mission of knowing our clients, know their needs and know how best to meet those needs within time and on budget, which has been our trump card. Due to this, we often understand and go beyond the project scope of our clients, thus providing outcome that do not only meet clients' requirements but beyond the contract scope. These aside our prompt service delivery, high professionalism, ethical standard, and quality service, make Envaserv Research Consult unique. Looking forward, what are your aspirations for Envaserv? Are there new markets or areas of research the company is looking to explore? The company wishes to diversify and explore other service opportunities in the market and has begun with the needed infrastructure. The company believes there is more it can offer when it comes to ESG research and consultancy and a strong will to leverage on this to increase its service portfolios, notably expanding its agriculture research and testing in the construction industry, especially road construction. Envaserv Research Consult Published by: - June 7th, 2024

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