CEO Today - Global Awards 2024

CEO Today Global Awards 2024 - 112 - - SINGAPORE - ultimately leads to stronger brand recognition, increased revenue streams, and a more resilient overall business. Ignoring global expansion can limit your potential and leave you vulnerable to market fluctuations in your current region. How does your international hiring service benefit the client’s business and what is your process to ensure all the stress is taken away from the employer and all administrative services are taken care of? Our international hiring service is designed to streamline the process for clients, ensuring a seamless experience while mitigating risks and administrative burdens. We handle everything from onboarding and compliance to payroll and benefits administration, allowing employers to focus on their core business activities. Our rigorous process involves thorough vetting of candidates, compliance with local regulations, and ongoing support to address any challenges that may arise. By leveraging our expertise and global network, we empower clients to expand their teams with confidence and efficiency. Your Global Payroll service has received various awards, how does this service operate and how do you make sure you remain current on tax laws and more for each country? We take immense pride in our Global Payroll service, recognised for its accuracy and efficiency. It operates through a secure, cloud-based platform that manages payroll across multiple countries, currencies, and regulations. Our team of experts combines industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology to deliver timely and accurate payroll processing, ensuring compliance and peace of mind for our clients. This allows companies to focus on employees and avoid costly penalties or legal issues. What are some common mistakes that businesses often make when trying to expand globally, how should they avoid these? One common mistake businesses make when expanding globally is underestimating the importance of cultural adaptation and localisation. It’s crucial for businesses to understand local customs, regulations, and market dynamics to succeed in new markets. Another common mistake is inadequate preparation and due diligence, leading to compliance issues and operational challenges. We help companies avoid these mistakes by providing a comprehensive roadmap, and expert guidance throughout the process. Do you offer your services to businesses of any size and success, and what support is offered through the process so the client feels secure in handing over the tasks to you? Absolutely! We believe every business deserves the chance to tap into the global market. We tailor our services to fit the specific needs of each client, regardless of size or industry. Throughout the process, we offer personalised guidance, dedicated account management, and responsive support to ensure clients feel secure and confident in entrusting their HR and payroll needs to us. AgileHRO help children’s education in Cambodia, what help do you offer and what made you choose this area to support? Investing in education is an investment in the future. We chose to support children in Cambodia because we believe access to quality education is vital for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future. Through our partnership with Caring for Cambodia, we support initiatives that provide access to quality education, school supplies, and resources for children in need. By investing in education, we’re not only changing lives but also creating a brighter future for generations to come. Where do you envision AgileHRO in the future, what can we expect to come from such an innovative platform? Our vision is to grow HERO into a global employment marketplace that caters for the needs of the everchanging landscape and adapt to new ways of working and employing. Allow companies to hire, employ, deploy, process payments faster so they can scale their businesses in a compliant and efficient way.

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