CEO Today Global Awards
CEO Toda y Global Awards 2020 COUNTRY 17 *Bridge Fund Management Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. At Bridge Consulting we pride ourselves on how we innovate with clients. Servicing 100+ asset management clients from Europe, North America and Asia, we offer a full range of customised fund solutions: - An EU domiciled 3rd Party Super Management Company (“BFML” ) for UCITS or AIFs (“Alternative Investment Funds”) - Customisable Support Services for Proprietary Management Companies - UCITS / AIF Platforms - Designated Persons Service - Regulatory Compliance, Risk Monitoring & Fund Governance from Bridge’s Our objective is to let you concentrate on Investment Management & Distribution. We take care of the rest. For further details contact us at or I NN O V A T I O N C OME S I N D I F F E R E N T S H A P E S A N D S I Z E S B R I D G E FUND MANAGEMENT dedicated team of industry professionals.
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